Draft — Music

Winston Marshall

Winston Marshall


Basic Rights Winston Marshall




Mumford & Sons guitarist Winston Marshall has been working on a new approach for his latest record. Basic Rights caught up in his London home to dive into his projects, his obsession with discovering new ideas and how it all informs the clothes he wears.


“I’ve been trying to find new ways to work, ways to keep things...

Freddie Cowan

Freddie Cowan

Freddie Cowan on clothes, The Clash and a taste for Don McCullin.

Matt Hitt

Matt Hitt





Tell us who you and what you’re up to

I’m from Wales originally and moved to New York in 2011 basically as a model (embarassingly). I started a band while I was over here so right now am balancing those two things.

I’d already written a load of songs before I moved and I basically came out here to find people to play them with. So I started the band. That was easier than I expected.

Mostly because every other fucker in New...